In 2010, with her passion for bringing equitable communication access to people who use sign language and those who use spoken language, Doreen Kelley founded Langue des Signes. As the scope of the company's services expanded and the need for interpreters increased, the business grew and changed. With refined focus and a new name, SIGNINterpreting Services has continued to reach out to and positively impact our community.
Doreen has worked with the Deaf community for more than twenty-five years. Her various roles include dorm supervisor at the NJ School for the Deaf, teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, advocate for the Deaf, ASL teacher, author, editor, speaker and certified sign language interpreter.
SIGNINterpreting Services is a woman-owned business providing professional sign language interpretation services. We specialize in building communication bridges between those who use signed languages and those who use spoken languages. Our services are tailored to each individual’s communication needs and we strive to ensure a pleasant and successful interpreting experience.

We are guided by the purpose of ensuring equitable and inclusive communication for all Deaf, DeafBlind, hard of hearing, and hearing people. We actively respond to challenges and strive to eliminate barriers with deep empathy, genuine care and consistent support.
We are a boutique company known for the personal attention we give to each engagement. We provide services specifically tailored to best meet the needs presented, based on the expertise of the SIS team without the influence of any other entity or stakeholder.
We use our deep understanding of the many variables that impact great service to intentionally select interpreters for each engagement. Our carefully vetted team of highly skilled interpreters and service professionals consider language, culture, and logistical nuances during each engagement in an effort to ensure equitable communication access.
We consistently facilitate and advocate for full and equitable communication access between Deaf, DeafBlind, hard of hearing, and hearing individuals.
We are immersed in the communities we serve and faithful to the language and culture of those communities.